French Immersion Camps in Chevy Chase

What: a fun and interactive immersion camp for children between 5 and 12
Where: at the Chevy Chase Baptist Church of Washington, 5671 Western Avenue NW, Washington DC 20015
Dates: July-August, from Monday to Friday
Full days: from 9am to 3:30pm.
Half Days:
If the camp is not full, we offer an half day option: Mon-Fri from 9am to 12pm.
Before and After Care:
8:30am to 9am and 3:30 to 5:00pm.

- $335/ week for half days (only possible if we have free spots in the camp).
- $470/ week for full days (per child).
- After care costs about $200/week/child from Mo-FRI, from 3:30pm to 5:00pm. Early care is about $50 for the week (included in the extended care cost of $250). The price may vary according to the number of children needing it ($200 per child is if we have at least 3 children in the after care). You will pay for it on the first day of the camp.
We plan to offer extended care, make sure you require it, as we need a certain amount of children to organize it.

NO Camp T-Shirt!
Because we genuinely care about the Earth, click here to know why we choose not to provide t-shirts for our young campers.

See some Camps pictures here


We prepare a fun theme for every week with playful and educational activities that will make learning French a game or a thrilling experience. The camps are intended for all levels of proficiency. We will do artistic activities and games. Non-French speakers will be in full immersion.

Group settings: while playful activities (games, art projects) are planned with the whole group, kids will be separated in proficiency groups (based on age and their French level) for language activities.

1) In the group for English Speakers (from beginners to 2 years of French):
Whether your child is a beginner in French or has been doing some classes, they will have a great experience at our French camps for English speakers. The camps are in immersion, but making sure the children improve according to their skills and abilities. Our tutors are native speakers and have experience with children.
Our goal is to recreate a natural language environment, in which the children will learn easily, fast and with a lot of fun!

What do we do?
In the morning, the children have French lessons. We will talk for ex. about friends, family, animals, the weather, food, sport, school, daily habits or more content tailor-made to the level of the children. Our program is based on communication: the children don’t just learn vocabulary, but learn how to ask and answer questions, and formulate sentences.
For games and craft and mostly in the afternoon, the group is mixed with the advanced speakers. In full immersion, we play games, sing, play skits; and do some crafts according to the interests of the children and the theme of the week. Playing and doing fun things together facilitate the language learning process. Some parents noticed that their children learn more in a week camp than during a whole classical semester. This is due to our small sized groups and our personalized instruction. Next to the language experience, your child will also make new friends, and learn to communicate in a creative way!

2) Group for advanced, bilingual or French speaking children in Chevy Chase
This group is for children who have already strong French knowledge or are bilingual/ French speakers.
Even though the camps are really fun and playful; many activities are educational as well. They reinforce the language skills of the children, such as their abilities to debate, present little projects, tell or read a story, or play a skit.

What do we do?
The kids spend time together, but do activities separately. So the advanced children, espiecially in the morning, have more pedagogical activities: discussions, reading and writing activities in relation with our weekly theme. Our native and experienced tutors make sure that every child will excel according to her/ his abilities. The afternoon is more recreational: we play games, sing, play skits and do some crafts according to the interests of the children.

3) Typical Camp Day
- Welcome
- Language/ Educational activities (reading, writing, oral expression) in separate groups
- Art Project (drama, songs, art, crafts) or games with the entire group
- Lunch
- Games mostly outside unless the weather is really bad
- Story time or language activities
- Art Projects (drama, songs, art, crafts) with the entire group
- Good-Bye!


Dates and weekly themes 2024:
Week 1
: July 8th to 12th: Les Héros et héroïnes - Heroes
Week 2: July 15th to 19th: Les Légos - Legos
Week 3: July 22nd to 26th: Notre environnement - Our environment
Week 4: July 29th to Aug 2nd: Les Jeux Olympiques - The Olympics
Week 5: Aug 5th to 9th: Découvre le monde - Discover the world
Week 6: Aug 12th to 16th: Voyage dans le temps - Time Travel

To register, send the registration form below together with your payment via check sent to French Academy 5749 Governors Pond Cir Alexandria VA22310, via Zelle (to our number) or online payment (3.5% fees see below).

Online payment includes 3.5% fees. The Online Payment Gate will pop up once you sent your form.

Register Chevy Chase - Tuition $470 ($486.45)

I need Extended care from 8:30am to 5pm

By submitting this registration, I understand and agree to comply with the terms and policies of the French Academy DC,MD,VA LLC.

Camps Photos