Register Discover French Workshop - Online

This training is a TRIAL Workshop for complete beginners who would like to learn some words.
It is a preparation for the more intense faster survival 1 class. The Survival 1 is for complete beginners, but in immersion, with a faster pace.
During the class, we will take time to explain some concepts, and key words.

It will not be in immersion.

Thu 7:30-9am - June 13th to July 18th - 1.5 hours over 5 weeks - $155.

Discover French sounds
Essentials words
The concept of conjugations
The concept of gender and articles adjectives
Essential sentences

We provide teaching materials.

Please fill out the form below and click SUBMIT .
Then submit your payment to be fully registered.
Payment by check, Zelle, or online payment (you will see once you send your form).

Tuition $155 ($160.45 with online payment)

I confirm that I am complete beginner

By submitting this registration, I understand and agree to comply with the terms and policies of the French Academy DC,MD,VA LLC. Cash, Checks or online payment accepted.