French Grammar for Kids
Theory and video on articles
Video about contracted definite articles
Verbes importants- Main verbs
Song about verbe etre
Song about the verb avoir
Song about the verb aller
Song about the verb faire
Les verbes en er
Theoretical video on the verb in 'er'
Theoretical video on the verb s'appeler
Theoretical video on the verb habiter
Acheter Verb (video)Le genre et le nombre
Theory on gender and number
Les pronoms
Pronoun theory video
Theory video on subject personal pronouns
Theory video on subject personal pronouns tu/vous
Theory video on pronouns c'est/il est
vidéo théorique on/nous
La négation
Theory and exercise on negation
Theoretical video on the possessive adjectives
What time is it?
Lesson (video)
Qu’est-ce que ? Est-ce que ?
Let's learn the difference between EST-CE QUE and QU'EST-CE QUE in French (video)
Est-ce que / Qu'est-ce que exercise
Pronominal verbs
Lesson about pronominal verbs
Exercise on pronominal verbs
Jouer aux/ jouer de la
Jouer à - Jouer de - Faire de // What are the differences between them?
Jouer à/aux/au/à la - de/du/de la/des : lesson and exercise
The near future
Lesson and exercise
Tu/vous ?
Lesson video
Prepositions of place
The imperative
French for kids : imperative
Aller, venir, attendre : lesson and exercise
Pouvoir and vouloir verbs
Pouvoir verb
Vouloir verb
Personal and tonal pronouns
The impersonal form
The impersonal form lesson
Logical connectors
French logical connectors
Logic connectors exercises