Register Grands 2 Chevy Chase

LEVEL 2- After at least 2 years of French (level A2, elementary)
For kids 8 to 13
- Grand 2 SPRING class in DC
Level 2: Sat 11:35-1pm - April 12th to June 21st - $375.
(No class May 24th)
In this class, we learn the A2 skills (corresponding to French 3 in school). Children need a lot of repetition.The teacher will also do a brief review of concepts from A1.
- How to express one's opinion in a very simple way
- How to talk about future activities
- How to describe feelings
- How to talk about very simple past activities
- How to describe one's environment: room, house, city
- How to give directions
- How to make suggestions
- How to buy items
- Review of the A1 basics
Grammar points: Basic conjugations, future, passé composé, imparfait.
- You will receive a book recommendation upon your registration or copies. The teachers may also use some other books (grammar, vocabulary etc...) to reinforce a point and will hand out copies. Please bring a binder, a notebook and pencils.
Please fill out the form below and click SUBMIT .
Then submit your payment to be fully registered.
Payment by check, Zelle (free), or online payment (3.5% fees) (you will see once you send your form).