Improve Grammar (A2) Online
This class is for Elementary students (A2) who want to improve their grammar skills with written and oral activities.
While some people find grammar boring..., at the French Academy we bring grammar into action with role playing, conversation and little games.
Wednesdays 5-6:00pm Online - May 5th to July 7th - 1h over 10 weeks - $200
Your advantages:
- Small group setting (between 3 and 6 students)
- Material included
- Native teacher
Curriculum (depending on the group's dynamic and needs):
- Rappel de l'indicatif présent (verbes en er, ir, re, oir)
- Rappel des verbes irréguliers et des modaux au présent
- Le passé composé (etre ou avoir?)
- L'imparfait et ses usages
- Le futur proche ou simple?
- Les pronoms (cod, coi, en, y)