Register P'tits Francais 3 Chevy Chase
For advanced to bilingual kids from 12 to 14 years old.
Sat 10:05-11:30am in person in DC
Jan 11th to March 22nd
(No class Jan 18th and Feb 15th)
Tuition $375
Travail d'analyse de textes, rédaction d'histoires et de dissertations. Renforcement de la grammaire et de l'orthographe.
Travail autour de projets ludiques et éducatifs, débats. Niveau CM2- 5ième adapté au besoin des enfants.
Révision des temps du passé, introduction au passé simple, travail sur le conditionnel.
Parent Responsibility
Parents don't stay during class.
Code of Conduct
If a child becomes disruptive, we may call you to come pick up your child.
Only the registered child can attend the class, no other sibling or friends who are not registered.