Info COVID-19

Sie sind hier: French Academy DC MD VA

If you have any covid like symptoms (stuffy or runny nose, sore throat), please do a rapid test before coming to a class in person. Even if this test is negative, wear a mask until you are symptoms free.

Since our highest priority is the health of our students, staff and teachers, we would like to share with you some measures the French Academy will be taking regarding COVID-19 according to States Rules and CDC rules.
- In Alexandria and Chevy Chase: tables, chairs, door knobs and bathrooms are disinfected before and after a class.
- Our building partners in DC and Baltimore guarantee regular cleaning of all touched surfaces, bathrooms, floors etc..
- We ensure cleaning of frequently touched objects (markers, white boards, toys etc..), after each class.
- Teachers are following the regulations of the CDC.
- We are implementing a come in and out policy in respect of the 6 feet distancing.
- Air is flitered at our K str location, windows are opened regularly in Alexandria, Baltimore and Chevy Chase according to the CDC recommendations.

We would also kindly ask all our students to:
- Follow the recommendations of the CDC before visiting the French Academy.
- Wash their hands before starting a class. We have hand soap, alcohol spray, and disinfecting wipes at our Alexandria location. At our K str location, you can also find hand sanitizer in the lobby. Bathrooms there are in front of the elevators.
In Baltimore teachers will bring hand sanitizer and wipes to class. Bathrooms are on the first floor.
In Chevy Chase, bathrooms are on each floor. We will have hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes in our room.
- Avoid physical contact, and keep a 1.5m distance from other participants.
- Students will have an assigned seat, at least 1.5m apart from other students.
- Students will be asked to bring their own supplies (crayons, pencils, pens, paper, markers, etc.) and sharing will not be permitted.
- Stay home if you are experiencing symptoms: fewer, respiratory sickness, body aches, sore throat, headaches, or in case you have been in contact with some one suspected of having COVID-19. Come back to class once you are cleared with the negative COVID-Test.

- In the event that you or a person close to you tests positive to the Coronavirus, please contact us immediately.
As much as possible will continue classes online via Skype or Zoom. Both programs allow us to teach a class with one or several participants, sharing notes via live chats or uploading documents.

Children classes and camps

Since July 2020 we have been offering in person classes with very stric measures to prevent COVID-19.
Thank to those measures we are able to provide a safe environment to students who need in person instruction.

-Teachers and assistants will strictly reinforce CDC guidelines. We kindly ask parents to do so as well.
-Special Parent/guardian drop off and pick up instructions are implemented to guarantee 6 feet of space.
-Parents will be asked to take their child's temperature before dropping them off at class /camp.
- Stay home if you are experiencing symptoms: fewer, respiratory sickness, body aches, sore throat, headaches, or in case you have been in contact with some one suspected of having COVID-19. Come back to class once you are cleared with the negative COVID-Test.
-Hand sanitizing stations are set up at the entrance and in the classroom.
-Students are asked to wash/sanitize their hands several times during the day/ class.
-Students have an assigned seat, at least 1.5m apart from other students.
-Students should bring their own lunches and sharing food is not be permitted.
-Students should to bring their own supplies (crayons, pencils, pens, paper, markers, etc.) and sharing is not be permitted.
-All teachers wear protective masks and students over the age of 3, or 2 in DC, will kindly be asked to wear a mask as well, unless we do outside activities respecting social distancing.
-Activities and games during classes and camps will abide by physical distancing guidelines.
-We plan to have as many activities as possible outside (for camps)
-Right after usage, shared material and games will be sanitized. Children will immediately wash their hands or use hand sanitizer.
-Non-washable toys, materials and games will not be used during the pandemic.
-Once the class / or day camp is over, the building and classroom will be thoroughly cleaned for the next class.

While we understand these precautions may be inconvenient, the sole purpose is to provide a safe environment for your child and our staff.
In case we cannot meet in person, regular classes (Saturdays in DC and Sundays in Alexandria) will be moved online.
If camps have to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, families will be refunded for the days missed.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out and ask! Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Pictures from In person Classes